Delegation Visits 

As the national voice of Singapore startup ecosystem, we frequently host delegation visits from foreign countries. These visits aim to foster cross-border collaboration and knowledge exchange between our local and international partners. 

We welcome embassies, trade agencies, and other national organisations who are interested in learning more about Singapore’s innovation and entrepreneurship landscape.  

Why meet us? 

  • Exchange knowledge on our startup ecosystem. Share our best practices and insights on how we nurture and support our startups.  

  • Create two-way opportunities for our startups to access cross-border markets and internationalise. 

  • Discuss opportunities for partnerships. Explore ways to collaborate on joint initiatives, programmes, and events for mutual benefit. We also facilitate introductions and referrals among our network of stakeholders. 

If you would like to organise a delegation visit to ACE.SG, please contact us at for more information.


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