Learning Journey to the Launchpad - Discover Singapore’s Startup Scene

Be prepared to gain deeper insights into Singapore’s startup scene - the various players in the ecosystem and how they support the ecosystem, doing business in Singapore, culture, access to capital, talent and regulatory environment.

You will also learn more about Action Community for Entrepreneurship (ACE), the national private sector led trade association for startups to drive entrepreneurship in Singapore, and its efforts to transform the startup landscape in Singapore to help startups grow.

You will also get to know more about the history and makings of JTC LaunchPad@one-north, home to more than 800 startups of diverse industries ranging from infocomm, media, biomedical sciences, electronics and engineering, and quoted by the Economists as the ‘world’s most densely packed entrepreneurial ecosystem.’

We will also bring you to see the various facilities available within the LaunchPad. You will get to understand their roles in creating a conducive environment to promote entrepreneurship. Get to visit Timbre+, Singapore’s innovative gastropark with a mix of restaurants and casual eats stalls. If you are lucky, you might bump into start-up founders and have a conversation with them.